This week, as we enter Black History Month, let us take the time to give homage to amazing people in our history.
This month, we will reflect a lot on the history of our ancestors and what their life brought to humanity.
We will also look at the trauma of the in-human act of chattel slavery and how the powerful people before us were impacted but also, how this has continued to affect black people to this very day.
The word victim is a disempowering word that I do not like using. Our people were survivors and survived in ways many of us have no idea. They did what they needed to do to survive something we also will never have any way of truly imagining.
Even with all of the triumphs of our ancestors, we cannot ignore the residual affects these traumas continue to bring to the current day. It shows up in our systems and our people.
I talk about childhood trauma and how it impacts life as an adult but imagine being impacted in your entire life by experiences your parents and the parents of your parents endured – especially when we have not understood the power we have to heal.
I am talking about Epigenetics: How the experiences of previous generations can affect who you are.
When we know better, we do better. When we do better, we get better results. When we get better results, we change the present conditions and the future.