As the holiday season approaches, many confront changes that test our resilience and adaptability. Whether it’s the much-felt absence of a loved one, the fresh wounds of the recent ending of a relationship, or the adjustments following other significant life shifts, these changes can feel overwhelming and out of our control. Yet, as we close out December, it’s crucial to find ways to end on a note of empowerment rather than loss.
Accepting What We Cannot Control
Change is an inevitable part of life, but accepting it doesn’t mean resigning ourselves to passivity. It’s about understanding our limits in altering certain outcomes and focusing on what we can influence. This holiday season, take a moment to acknowledge the changes that have occurred. Reflect on the nature of these shifts and how they’ve impacted your life. In this reflection, you’re not dwelling on the past; you are understanding your journey and preparing for the future.
Creating Positive Change
With the new year just around the corner, now is the perfect time to think proactively about the future. Ask yourself:
- What didn’t go as planned this year?
- What do I desire to be different?
- How can I initiate these changes, even in small ways, starting in January?
Consider setting achievable goals that align with your desired outcomes. Maybe it’s sparking new relationships, finding new traditions, or dedicating time to passions that fell by the wayside. Whatever it is, make a plan to integrate these elements into your life. This proactive stance is a way to reclaim control and start the new year with a sense of purpose and power.
Acknowledging and Empowering Yourself
As you implement these changes, take the time to recognize and celebrate your efforts. Yes, pat yourself on the back, AND allow this to reinforce your ability and the positive changes you’re making. Each step forward, no matter how small, is a building block in the resilient and intentional life you are creating.
As you move through the complexities of change, remember that you’re learning, growing, and becoming stronger with each challenge. For more insights and strategies on thriving amidst change, be sure to watch my latest YouTube video and explore how to turn even the toughest days around with intentional actions.
For those interested in starting their journey toward healing and embracing change, I invite you to check out my latest YouTube video for practical tips and encouragement.