Courage is often lauded as one of the most admirable virtues. Yet, many of us struggle to muster it when faced with the unknown or the uncomfortable. It’s not the fear of change per se that holds us back but our comfort with the status quo, no matter how unhappy it makes us. In this blog, I want to focus on the true power of courage and how understanding the roots of our fears can lead us toward a more fulfilling life.

Surprisingly, many of us stay in negative situations because they are familiar. Unhappiness, as debilitating as it might seem, often feels safer than the uncertainty of change. But what is this comfort costing you in terms of happiness, growth, and potential? It’s a question worth looking at if you find yourself stuck in a loop of discontent.

 The fear of stepping into the unfamiliar can be paralyzing. It’s often not the change itself that scares us, but our doubts about our ability to handle the consequences of that change. To embrace courage fully, we must first understand what we’re actually afraid of. Is it failure, judgment, or the loss of security? Pinpointing the exact nature of our fears can demystify them and reduce their control over us.

 One effective way to confront fear is through self-inquiry. Ask yourself: What does my current unhappy situation provide me? Is it simply comfort in familiarity, or is there something else? Think deeply—sometimes, we cling to the known not because it’s beneficial, but because we haven’t given ourselves permission to imagine life any differently.

Change is undeniably tough, but it’s also a doorway to personal liberation. When you start viewing change as an opportunity to shed unhelpful patterns and embrace growth, the process becomes less daunting and more exciting. Do you want this type of excitement in your life?  Keep in mind, every act of courage, no matter how small, is a step toward a more empowered version of yourself.

 Embracing courage doesn’t mean you won’t feel fear: You will- we all will.  Instead, it means you choose not to let fear dictate your actions. Courage is about doing what feels right, despite feeling afraid. It’s about choosing yourself and your potential over the temporary comfort of the known.

Watch my YouTube video “How to be More Bold and Choose You.”  It goes deeper into overcoming fear and embracing the life you deserve. Watch it here.

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