When we are young or in a place of vulnerability, it is easy for the influences around us to seep in and have some authority. This is really damaging when what seeps in is the negative mindsets of those around you.
When we are young, it is difficult, though not impossible, to know who is doing this and when it is actually happening because we come with a lot of innocence and trust.
When we are older, it can be difficult to know who to trust depending on your past experiences, and so you could have people in your circle you have not figured out are not for you.
Regardless of which way this has come, you are letting go of negative energy, and the process is the same.
Think about this: No matter what vehicle of negativity has come your way, the root of this energy, in its most basic form, is fear. The way, I have found, to cast out fear is LOVE. It is stronger than fear. Whenever I felt afraid, the thing that got me through was thinking of what I wanted as the outcome (the thing I loved).
Try these steps for moving through the release of negative self-talk:
Identify the Source:
- Think of where these negative thoughts originated. Was it from very critical parents? Bullying? A toxic work environment? Societal programming? Knowing this can help you to anchor into where you will need to do some deconstructing.
Challenge This Narrative Because it Is Not Your Truth
- For every negative thought, challenge this thought with why it is not true.
- Think of the way you saw yourself before someone came and put a negative twist on the idea of you, what you were doing, or your positive thoughts.
It’s Time to Replace and Redefine
- Create affirmations, but not just ANY affirmation. I want you to think of a negative statement you say to yourself and create an affirmation to oppose this. For example, if you think “I am not special,” create an affirmation stating “I am meant to be here. I am necessary. I am intentionally made with purpose.”
Doing This Once Won’t Help
- Making this a daily practice helps to create new patterns and push old ones aside.
- To have a happy life, you must be your own source of joy. Every moment presents an opportunity to replace negative thoughts with ones that promote what’s best for you.
Watch out for my next video on a tea known to increase intuition. Using your intuition will, instantly, support you in loving the highest version of yourself.